Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your hourly rate?

Attorney White's hourly rate is $250 per hour.

Q: How much is your retainer?

Your retainer may vary based upon the circumstances of each case. Typically, Attorney White's retainer is $2,500.

Q: How long will it take to be divorced?

It will take at least sixty (60) days from Entry of your Petition for Dissolution to Entry of Decree of Dissolution. Typically, it takes closer to six (6) months - one (1)  this is dependent on individual circumstances

Q: How much will my divorce cost?

The cost of a divorce depends on many factors of each case. The more contentious a divorce is, the more costly it often becomes. While hiring an attorney may seem like an expense, having an aggressive attorney by your side while dividing your accounts, properties, businesses, is pivotal to your financial well being long term.

Q: Where can I find State Parenting Time for Indiana?

For Kentucky?